I was born and raised in Petal, MS graduating PHS in 1998. I joined the Navy in January 1999 and served more than 20 years on active duty, retiring at the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer. As a military Senior Enlisted Leader and Advisor, I have vast experience in leading personnel, operational budgeting, mission planning and execution, and much more; all of which provide a seamless transition into leading the City of Petal. My time in the Navy allowed me to obtain my Bachelor of Science Degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. For the past year, I have been enrolled at the University of Southern Miss working on my Master of Arts in Political Science.

Please explain your views on COVID-19 restrictions and what you intend to do in the shifting landscape.

Here is my view on COVID -19 restrictions: respect each other. You may not believe the pandemic even exists or that the government is in the midst of some conspiracy to steal your soul….whatever, that is your right. But, that doesn’t give YOU the right to potentially infect someone that believes otherwise.

In my opinion, wearing a mask is easy and is one of the most patriotic things you can do right now. Even if the science and all the experts are wrong (they’re not), did it hurt you to wear a mask? No. Our country is one of the only places in the world that has politicized wearing a mask to stay safe; so, don’t buy into all the hype. Either wear a mask or respect those still wearing it.

All that being said, under no circumstances would I ever force a business to shut down over COVID. Nor would I implement a mask mandate. I would, however, encourage all citizens to keep wearing a mask until we get through this mess.

Our business owners should have the right to stay open. After all, being a Republican, I believe in true principles like smaller government.

With development happening on the Evelyn Gandy Parkway, what are your ideas/plans for preventing Main Street and the downtown areas from becoming rundown and full of vacant buildings?

Main Street and the downtown areas already have become a bit rundown and full of vacant buildings. I have a plan to reverse these actions. First, I will utilize the hearts of an all-volunteer force comprised of talented and resourceful citizens willing to take pride and ownership in the City of Petal. We will roll up our sleeves and create a plan of action to slowly tackle these areas workday by workday, at no cost to the taxpayer.

Next, or step 2, I plan to offer small city grants to qualifying businesses (up to $25k per year, $2-3k per business) to be used for approved exterior improvements. All while still relying heavily upon the all volunteer force mentioned in step 1.

Last, I plan to find money in future city budgets to explore financial incentives for businesses that want to relocate to designated areas.

In what ways, and to what extent, would you involve the residents of Petal in the decision-making process of our city, and would you please provide an example?

First, by creating an atmosphere where citizens actually feel heard. Next, I like to assemble teams. The people of Petal take a tremendous amount of pride in their city; every single day people ask me what they can do to help make us better. I plan to take them up on their offers and develop “task forces” to take on each task at hand. Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer.

Next, I will be interactive with the city, holding quarterly community get togethers in different neighborhoods and parts of the city, where we share a meal together, maybe listen to some music, and share thoughts and ideas. Open and constant lines of communication are key to building relationships.

An example of how I would involve the residents of Petal in the decision-making process is how I look to establish more activities for the kids. Immediately upon taking office, I will contact all the talented and motivated citizens that have expressed concerns and sent me questions regarding youth activities. I will invite them and others to join me, among other city leaders, for a roundtable discussion and pave the way to an actionable plan. All the while, I will be keeping this new team informed the entire way.

If it came down to raising taxes or cutting the budget and that meant cutting employees, which would you favor? And if you cut employees, would you first cut from recreation or from the fire department, or across the board in all departments?

Too late, we are already there. Thanks to current leadership, regardless of why, this is one of the main issues I will face on day one of being Mayor. Let me be crystal clear up front, I do not favor raising taxes OR cutting personnel; however, tough decisions will need to be made.

I believe the recreation department has unnecessarily taken the “blame” for our lack of leadership at the top. Besides, the recreation department represents only a small (approximately 6%) portion of our budget that it STILL wouldn’t fix our money issues if we cut the entire department.

The real issue here is the City of Petal making preparations for annexation. As I understand it, the city wanted to make an effort to put its best foot forward in making the case for annexation and hired additional firefighters, and spent other money, etc. I understand that. It’s already happened, so there is no time for finger pointing or the blame game. It is time to fix it. Do we cut the firefighters we hired? No, I don’t think so. First, it’s not their fault they were hired. Second, we need them.

In closing, I would prefer not to do either, but I refuse to make promises I can’t keep. If elected, I will deeply immerse myself in the budget and conduct line item reviews with each department until we find the cost savings we need. If that is not good enough, then and only then, I will look at other options to make financial progress in our city.

Have you ever written a Grant? Do you see grants as a useful tool in obtaining funds for projects for the city?

No, I have never written a grant. Yes, I see grants as a wonderful tool for our city, but not until we get our budget under control.

Do you support annexation of any area surrounding Petal?'

Absolutely not. We have way too much work to do internally. I am certain that any future growth of our city, if it happens, will be at a much more appropriate time.

In the face of ever tightening budgets and budget shortfalls, what are your plans to increase community and infrastructure standards while keeping taxes low?

Grants. We have to make room in our budget to allow for grant matching.

After a turbulent year in our community, how do you plan to address race relations in Petal?

I will accomplish this by setting the tone. Any organization takes its cues from leadership… it has a trickle-down effect that becomes contagious. Once I set the tone, then I will put my money where my mouth is and ensure that our school board, and other leadership opportunities are filled with talented and qualified diverse members of our community. Our strength is in our diversity…. we can’t be afraid to step out of our comfort zones. I am afraid that some of the other candidates running against me will leave us WAY behind, stuck in the same old ruts. We know better, we have to do better!

What new services do you plan to implement for the city and how will they be funded? (recycling, online bill pay, etc.)

Our city website will get a full overhaul, to include new bill pay functions and features, and easy to access and navigate. I would love to offer recycling for Petal. As I understand it now, it is not financially feasible to do so, but that won’t stop me from putting a team together to fully explore the options. I am a very big fan of recycling, but it has to make sense.
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